I took full advantage of the beautiful summer weather this weekend and spent a fair bit of time in Central Park.
I first came to love this Park when I was training for the 2012 NYC Half-Marathon. Twice a week, we'd meet for training at the beautiful Bethesda fountain, and we'd run along the roads and running tracks on the east and west sides of the Park. It was really good practice for the race too, because the first six miles of the Half-Marathon are spent in Central Park and by then, we were all-terrain experts!
While I definitely finished the half-marathon (and came in well-ahead of the ambulances, which was always my goal), I suspect my race-running days are probably behind me. Even still, I will never get sick of coming to Central Park for a look around. In good weather and bad, there is always something to see and do here, and this weekend was no exception.
Please check out my photo album below. I've even updated the descriptions on each image, so you'll have a bit of an idea what you're looking at, and why the Park means so much to me and millions of others.