Thursday, February 20, 2014

The President with the golden grin

Federal Hall circa 1789
Image courtesy of
The National Parks Service
New York City was briefly the US capital from 1789 to 1790 and was the site of the first inauguration of George Washington as President on April 30, 1789 at Federal Hallon present-day Wall Street.

Not the Presidential grill

An aside, did you know that by the time Washington became President (at 57), he had lost all but one of his natural teeth?  At his first inauguration he wore a set of dentures made of carved hippopotamus ivory and gold.   Nice grill, Mr. President!

The site for the first inauguration was the first Capitol building in the US and where the US Bill of Rights was first introduced into Congress.  Federal Hall was demolished in 1812 and the National Memorial that was built in its place became a Customs House and is now a beautiful Museum to the nation's first President, and the beginnings of the United States of America.